Senin, 31 Oktober 2016

Police Claim 4 Evidence Case Got Toxic Coffee Megapolitan

Police Claim 4 Evidence Case Got Toxic Coffee Megapolitan
Jakarta - Jakarta Police investigators, claims to have four items of evidence related to the case of poisoned coffee that killed Wayan miRNA Salihin, with the suspect Jessica Kumala Wongso.
Actually if five items of evidence set out in Article 184 Criminal Procedure Code, that is not fulfilled one course only testimony of the defendant does not admit. However, four other evidence already meet, said Head of Relationship Metro Jaya Police Commissioner Awi Setiyono, at the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters, Wednesday (18/5).
It is said Awi, prosecutor Jessica had returned the documents to the investigator for the fourth time yesterday. However, investigators have completed and handed back to the prosecutor, around 08.00, last morning.
The prosecutor requested is actually the most evidence in the form instructions. Well, these instructions are based on the discovery of the investigators in the community to support, he said.
He said that two items of evidence alone is enough to mempersangkakan Jessica as perpetrators.
A minimum of two items of evidence is more than enough doing accusation Jessica as the culprit, he said.
Questioning the detention period, Awi deliver investigators have until the end of the month.
If there is no answer P21 (declared complete file) from the prosecutor, then by law we will release Jessica from custody. But, the case is still in process. If not P21, yes we will continue to evaluate what its shortcomings. But the court also did not rule still weigh and assess for completeness of this file, he said.
Bayu Marhaenjati / YUD

Kamis, 27 Oktober 2016

Tiga Argumen Mengapa Anak Butuh Bermain

cara mengecilkan perut buncit yang ampuh

Tiga Argumen Mengapa Anak Butuh Bermain

Bermain itu yaitu hak anak. Sayang tingkat bermain anak di Indonesia begitu rendah. Walau sebenarnya bermain berikan faedah untuk anak. Menurut psikolog anak Ratih Andjayani Ibrahim, ada 3 argumen mengapa anak harus miliki peluang untuk bermain yang mengasyikkan.  Pertama, dengan bermain anak bakal tumbuh jadi manusia dewasa yang utuh, sehat jiwa serta bahagia. Ke-2, tanpa ada unsur bermain yang mengasyikkan serta bergerak, anak bakal tumbuh jadi dewasa yang kurang tegas, stres, serta neurotik. Serta yang ketiga, pada level ekstrim, kemelut serta stres dapat menyebabkan beberapa masalah, termasuk juga masalah jiwa.  Kebutuhan anak-anak umur 213 th. yaitu bermain. Jadi biarkanlah mereka bermain, janganlah dipaksa belajar atau les ini serta les itu. Bila ingin mengajari (pelajaran) kan dapat dengan bermain, kata Ratih.